Winter is here and its FREEZING here in Oregon. It was a low of 13 degrees last night. I know i havent posted in months.. sorry. :(

Picking out a tree

found one!
YES. i look like daddy :)
Ive been busy working at the family medicine through ohsu. its a really great company to work for and I love it... i currently work 3-4 days a week and it seems to be working out well.
Seth is continuing to be busy with work. He recently started a degree completion program at a school in portland, and goes one night a week.
The Holmes family has been busy busy with J.E. having a birthday in November, Thanksgiving, and Christmas approaching quickly. This past weekend we went and picked out a tree. Ive posted a few pictures of us. (thus Ethan's bright pink nose) it was FREEZING but so much fun.
Speaking of Ethan, he is so SO close to crawling.. He actually manages to get accross the room by rolling,squirming, and pulling.. but hasnt QUITE crawled yet. i expect in the next few weeks..
also he decided that he wanted teeth and has begun that fun process, keeping mom and dad awake for hours the last few nights screaming and crying... cant wait to see those teeth though! He has also graduated to eating some solid foods, and loves bananas and carrots and apples. He is growing so quickly and changes every day, making new sounds, and developing his own little personality.
If i dont post before then, We hope everyone has a totally blessed Christmas!
-J.E. (and Seth and Ethan)
getting ready to pick out a tree..