Ive fallen behind in blog world..Not the first time. But im taking a lesson from my sis Cassie, and pushing on, because this is a journal with memories i dont want to forget. Since its been since april and i cant think back that far, lets start with July shall we?
Ethan is growing faster than i can keep up with. Here he is wearing Daddy's shoes. He thinks he's getting ready for church..
Here is Ethan's "Im being Naughty" face... real nice.

MMM.. crayons

This was the 4th of July. We took Ethan to the beach. This was only his second time and he loved it. He of course was upset when it was time to leave. It was the first decent weather of the summer so we took advantage of it! :)

Trying to capture Ethan's baby cuteness of his hands and feet, because we all know grown man feet just dont look that cute... im just sayin..

stay tuned. more to follow. i got a lot of "ketchup" to do...