Wow time sure flies. it seems like the summer just started and yet people are talking about returning to school....Ethan continues to grow like a weed. He has changed so much in his 3 months and continues to suprise us almost daily with how quickly he changes and develops.
He has already learned how to roll onto his tummy and then screams because he hates being on his tummy.
He has been sleeping through the night since 8 weeks and its pretty wonderful. He wakes up (most mornings) happy as a clam and smiley as can be.
He continues to wear mostly 9 mth old clothes and we dont even bother with shoes because his feet are so big :)
this month Ethan participated in his first relay for life. He was dedicated by Pastor Cary Wacker..The Holmes family also went on our first family weekend vacation to Skamaina Lodge at hood river in the Gorge. We went on a hike that was supposedly stroller friendly and we ended up taking this weaving, narrow, mountain trail that was loaded with logs in the path, and stinging nettle. what an adventure! I ended up carrying Ethan a majority of the time while Seth carried that silly stroller. it was in the 90s that day and we were soaked and itchy and miserable and sweet little Ethan slept the whole time. lucky guy. We also visited Multnomah Falls.
King of the Hotel bed.
before that terrible hike.
watching WAY to much T.V.
Wow, how he has grown! What a sweetie!