So now that ive caught up on my holiday posts i can update everyone on current Holmes family activities!
Weve moved! yay! we are no longer living in our parents' basement apartment. We found a great duplex and Ethan now has his own bedroom ! YAY!
Ethan is into everything, crawling , and quickly approaching the walking stage. He can walk great assisted by a little walker-car, so all he needs to do is work on balance. He is a very happy little person, mostly in the morning (like his mommy) and has gotten into a wonderful one-nap routine. He's eating solid foods now in addition to the usual baby fare (mom's milk) and his favorites are bananas and cooked zucchini and bread! man does that kid love bread! amazing how strong some family genes are.... weird.
His sense of humor is beginning to show, he likes to get you involved in a laughing match making fake cough noises to get your attention and then cracking himself up. He can say words like DA DA and NANA, and MA MA but we dont know if he knows what he's saying yet. .. sometimes he will just yell at the top of his lungs BA BA BRAH! and we just joke that he's talking to his imaginary friend Barbara...
here's some recent pics of a family trip we took to seattle..
hotel pillows are the best!
watching the cars go by..
hey girl. Great pictures! I don't think Lisa has a blog, I think that she was just commenting on mine using her google account. I could be wrong, but I think that's the scoop :)