Well, another year has come and gone. It has been a year of memories, milestones, and new adventures! We spent new years in Seattle WA. Celebrated Ethan's first birthday. Moved 2 times. (not bad considering our record) Seth and I both started new jobs. Turned a year older. Took ethan to the beach for the first time, camping for the first time. Ethan started walking, talking, running, jumping, eating adult foods, he got his first molars.. wow.
Seth has been working at a local company as office manager. He is doing so well and loves his work! We are so proud of him. He has been helping in the worship team ministry at our church playing the piano and helping in leading worship. He's planning a completion degree program through linfield college. He's and awesome daddy and husband and enjoys getting out and doing fun things for the weekends. (hiking, sightseeing, traveling ect ect.) We are always on the go with this guy! :)
I continue to work at a local family medicine clinic, and its a great job! I love love love being a mommy and watching our little fella grow and change. God has truly blessed us above and beyond what we could ever ask for and we are so grateful! I have been keeping busy with 2 moves, lots of packing and still not completely unpacked. I love cooking and baking, and my biggest newest hobby this year is couponing and fine-tuning frugal living lifestyle. I made some adjustments the way we do things to save money and its very rewarding and exciting for me to contribute to our family in this way! A dear friend gave me a sewing machine and i look forward to finding ways to use it this coming year!
Ethan. What a wonderful, busy, happy, healthy little fella! He is growing and changing daily and i fail to keep up with him. He learns new words every day. His passion is cars and trucks and he spends hours playing with his hot wheels. He is very independant and stubborn like any healthy normal toddler, and we are working on cutting back on outbursts and tantrums. Somedays, its just flat out hard not to laugh at his efforts... But we continue to work on it. :) He loves to eat cereal "teo" and bread "bed" and is just a joy and a blessing to have in our lives. He is outgoing and very friendly, greeting most strangers with a bright little "HI!" He scared me as soon as he started walking with very little fear for his surroundings and often would just take off without looking back. He has gotten better about it, and comes when called.. mostly. :)
Im planning to start a new photo journal on our facebook page, a photo for every day of 2011. Stay tuned for that! im excited about it!
Here's hoping and praying that this next year is filled with blessing and the joy in knowing that we serve an awesome and powerful God who loves us!
Adorable family! Thank you for posting! Happy New Year!